In addition to delivering high-quality roses, Four Seasons Quality also strives to provide a high-quality life for the orphans of “San Vicente de Paul” in Quito. The orphanage houses children whose start in life has not been easy. The children are given daily care in the form of meals, a place to sleep and an education. This allows them to build a decent future for themselves, which will hopefully keep them off the streets of Quito.
Due to a lack of financial means, it was difficult to create a future for these children. In 2001, Four Seasons Quality and a supplier set themselves the objective of finding companies in Ecuador and the Netherlands that were willing to support “San Vicente de Paul.” This has resulted in the Orfanato foundation and the gathering of a multitude of benefactors within Four Seasons Quality’s network. The foundation and the project have helped hundreds of children over the past few years to build a better, stable future for themselves.
Would you like to receive more information? Please send an email to addressed to the Orfanato Foundation. If you want to contribute to this wonderful project, please send your donations to ABN AMRO Amsterdam, bank account number (Euro) NL87ABNA0840184573, BIC ABNANL2A, addressed to the Orfanato Foundation.
If you want to donate in dollars, please send your contribution to Four Seasons Quality B.V., ABN AMRO Amsterdam, bank account number (dollar) NL47ABNA0828763658, BIC ABNANL2A.
Via our Facebook page and the news section of our website we will announce a few reports every year about the visits to and activities surrounding the orphanage. You can also access the published ANBI data and annual account of the Orfanato Foundation via
Through the following link you can also read the policy of the Orfanato Foundation.
In addition to the Orfanato Foundation, Four Seasons Quality has also sponsored a number of local social projects in the Netherlands.